Monday, May 11, 2009

ALS is not all there is

Yes I have ALS, and I find that the disease is affecting my body and mobility. But ... I want to have a life besides being ALS patient. So my goal is to have a highlight every day of my life.

Last few weeks were good weeks. Today: I went to the swimming pool with my husband. I had not been swimming for almost 8 weeks, because I was afraid that I could not climb out of the pool. But today I was there again. I could walk and swim in the water. I could stretch the limbs of my feet and relax in the water. It was great.

Last weekend: we went to the river Schelde near where we live. In the water we saw a porpoise (bruinvis) jumping out of the water. Also we saw a buzzard, being was attacked by smaller birds protecting their nests. It is very beautiful outside in Zeeland (Holland) The weather was nice, Frans was playing his bagpipes and people came to listen to him.

Last weeks we invited several guests for lunch or dinner at a nice restaurant, just to celebrate friendship. It were lovely days and evenings, with much friendship.

Also I went to band practice with the wood wind band. I love playing the clarinet and it gives me lots of pleasure. I bought a new book for playing piano, it came the next day and I have now a lot of new tunes that I can play on the piano.

Last week we booked our holiday for this summer. We will be going to Scotland for two weeks in August. One week in the countryside and one week in Glasgow, the most vibrating and interesting city of Scotland. We will be there for the pipe festival. I keep my fingers crossed that I will be able to go on that trip. But I am confident.

So you see: ALS is not all there is.